eBooks Download Source Code
PHP Tutorials: Programming with MySQL and PHP

The PHP code for the latest version of the book can be obtained in one zip file from the link below:
Download Source Code for PHP Tutorials Book
The book references the code by chapter and name so you should be able to easily find any particular script that you are looking for.
Archive Source Code
The source code for edition 4/5 of the book can be obtained in one zip file from the link below. You may want to download this version if you have an older version of the book. However, I would recommend downloading the latest source code even though there has been some changes to the Chapter numbering.
Archive Source Code for PHP Tutorials Book (4/5 Edition)
jQuery e-Commerce Shopping Cart

All the code for the latest version of the jQuery book can be obtained in one zip file from the link below:
Download Source Code for jQuery Shopping Cart Book
The book references the code by chapter and name so you should be able to easily find any particular script that you are looking for.
HTML Beginners, Basics of Web Design

The HTML code for the latest version of the book can be obtained in one zip file from the link below:
Download Source Code for HTML Beginners Book
The book references the code by chapter and name so you should be able to easily find any particular script that you are looking for.